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HomeHairMy German Shepherd Is Itching And Losing Hair

My German Shepherd Is Itching And Losing Hair

Bathe With A Medicated Shampoo

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much? 9 Crazy Quick Solutions!

A medicated shampoo will help relieve your dogs itching and soothe their skin almost immediately after application. Medicated shampoos are routinely recommended for German Shepherds with allergies, especially because theyre so inexpensive and easy to apply.

Look for a shampoo that contains coal tar which moisturizes and calms the red, irritated skin.

Regularly wash your GSD with Sulfodene Medicated shampoo and conditioner as this helps your GSD so they dont itch or scratch themselves constantly.

Its not a 100% German Shepherd itchy skin cure, but in combination with the other tips listed this shampoo can help relieve German Shepherd allergies and wont break your bank.


Over bathing can cause more irritation by stripping the skin of natural oils and removing the protective layer. This can increase itching and scratching. Only bathe your dog with the medicated shampoo as needed to control their symptoms.

Dont use a people shampoo since these lack the proper pH for your dogs skin and may increase dryness and skin flakiness. And always rinse twice to ensure theres no shampoo residue left behind, which will cause your dog to itch constantly.

How Can I Stop My German Shepherd From Losing Hair

A: There are a few things you can try to help your German Shepherd stop losing hair. You may want to consider trying one of these methods:

1) Bathing your dog in apple cider vinegar and water once a week will help with the shedding process.2) Giving your dog a supplement that contains biotin, which is an amino acid that helps with healthy hair growth.3) Using natural oils like olive oil or coconut oil on your dogs coat to help prevent

Massage For Stress And Shedding Reduction

  • Sit next to your dog on the floor in a quiet, comfortable room.
  • Using very light hands, stroke your dog softly from head to tail for 15 minutes.
  • Do this every week.
  • Not only is this relaxing for your dog, but petting a dog is shown to decrease your blood pressure and increases bonding.
  • Its also a great time to notice any health concerns in their body, like lumps or bumps, sore areas, or unusual smells.

Use these double-duty grooming gloves for extra hair removal. The innovative design features the perfect combination of rubber nodules on the fingers and palm, which feels like a massage, and helps to promote bonding.


Theres even more to these practical grooming gloves!

They work specifically as a heavy-duty de-shedder to capture hard to reach hair. And, the hair wont stick to the gloves whether used wet or dry.

Plus, its a useful tool to have since it is so gentle even puppies enjoy being brushed!

While this seems like a simple shedding solution, proving a massage with the right type of grooming tool reduces stress in your German Shepherd and goes a long way to keep them healthy.

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German Shepherd Hair Loss

As a puppy your German Shepherd had a fluffy coat but that soon falls out to become their adult coat that sheds more.

The German Shepherd is a prolific shedder which means they shed year-round and especially twice a year when they blow their fur.

This high rate of shedding in German Shepherds is totally natural, although it could become a nuisance if uncontrolled. You cant stop your GSDs hair fall from stopping completely, but there are German Shepherd shedding solutions thatll help you keep your home cleaner.

German Shepherd hair loss is actually a sign of the good working of their coats, which keeps their coats from becoming tangled and dull.

But, keeping an eye on the amount of hair your German Shepherd sheds helps you to understand their overall health and condition. If your GSD sheds too much, too often, with dandruff and dry skin, then its time to change her grooming routine up and find a German Shepherd shedding solution that works.

What Are The Most Common Allergens In German Shepherds

Pin on GSD

Though your German Shepherd can be allergic to anything in the world around them, there are some common allergens that are known to cause issues for our beloved German Shepherds.

Some of the most common allergens to be aware of in German Shepherds include:

Though these are common allergens for German Shepherds, it does not mean that your Shepherd will automatically have a reaction to these items.

Just be sure to monitor for any signs of allergies if you know your Shepherd is exposed to any of these substances or items.

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Treatment Of Dog Itching

If you leave itchy skin in dogs untreated, it may lead to new problems, such as hot spots, which are areas of inflamed skin caused by excessive licking and biting. Your pet will also be uncomfortable, and the only way to stop the itching is to see a vet to find and treat the cause.

Over-the-counter treatments should only be given under the guidance of a veterinarian. Depending on the underlying condition, your vet may recommend one of the following options to help get the itching under control:

Recovery And Management Of Alopecia In Dogs

If the underlying cause of the alopecia is identified, avoiding the cause in the future is very important. It is not always that simple, however, so controlling what you can will go a long way in managing your dogs alopecia. That includes using effective, regular flea control keeping your dog clean and well groomed and avoiding known allergens.

If and when your dog starts to have alopecia in the future, it is vitally important that you see your veterinarian quickly in order to stop the progression of symptoms.

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Managing Skin Problems With German Shepherds

Fatty acids, zinc and antioxidants may reduce the symptoms. Its a main reason we added them to our Skin & Coat Supplement. Avoid taking your German Shepherd to early morning or late afternoon walks if youre dealing with a pollen allergy. You may also regularly vacuum or wash the dog in hot water to remove the allergens. Keep them away from either the laundry or the basement, or other areas in the house where its humid.

Routine Care Diet And Exercise

Melting off my German Shepherds fur

Build her routine care into your schedule to help your GSD live longer, stay healthier, and be happier during her lifetime. We cannot overemphasize the importance of a proper diet and exercise routine.

  • Supervise your pet as you would a toddler. Keep doors closed, pick up after yourself, and block off rooms as necessary. This will keep her out of trouble and away from objects, she shouldnt put in her mouth.
  • She needs a thorough brushing at least weekly most of the year. Twice a year she blows her coat and loses crazy amounts of hair daily brushing is recommended during this time.
  • German Shepherd Dogs generally have good teeth, and you can keep them perfect by brushing them at least twice a week!
  • Clean her ears weekly, even as a puppy. Dont worrywell show you how!
  • She has a high prey drive, so she needs to be leash walked and a fenced yard is a must.
  • Shes a large, smart dog with lots of energy, so keep her mind and body active, or shell get bored. Thats when the naughty stuff starts.
  • Naturally a bit wary, shes distrustful of strangers bond her to children early to trigger protective behaviors.
  • Keep your dogs diet consistent and dont give her people food.
  • Feed a high-quality diet appropriate for her age.
  • Exercise your dog regularly, but dont overdo it at first.

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Have The Seasons Recently Changed

YES If the dog is middle-aged, then not likely a seasonal allergy. Seasonal allergies begin to show up after 6 months to 1 year of age.

YES If the dog is 6 months to 1 year old, then his itching is likely due to a seasonal allergy.

NO A seasonal allergy is probably not the concern here. They will show up the vast majority of the time when spring has just arrived. The exception here are dust mites.

If you suspect that dust mites are the culprits, then talk with your veterinarian, as you will not be able to see them. Dust mites are only visible under a microscope, and even then they still look very small.

If youre not dealing with dust mites, then you are most likely dealing with a pollen allergy. Pollen gathers on a dogs skin, ears and paws. This often causes excessive paw licking, recurring ear infections, hair loss and redness in the groin area.

You will also notice seasonal allergies recurring each year, and worsening as the years pass.

The next step at this point is to perform an overall examination of your dogs skin to see if he is allergic to something else in the environment most likely pollen.

You will need to check your dog and look for signs of skin irritation.

To do this, use your fingers and thoroughly go over the entirety of the hair on your GSDs body. Not a small task, but a necessary one. Feel your dogs hair. Evaluate whether it is very dry and brittle, or if there is excess dander present.

Apply A Moisturizing Skin Spray Or Ointment

Moisturizing sprays keep your pets skin hydrated and bring more immediate relief to their irritation.

They are also convenient and easy to use throughout the day. Look for a spray that contains aloe vera and vitamin e, both of which moisturize the skin.

I use this spray for my itching German Shepherd and her skin felt moisturized and looked healthier after only a few applications. Spray on your dogs hot spots to reduce constant itchiness and provide soothing moisture. This spray was formulated for dogs with allergies by veterinarians, so its a clinical formula for home use.

For areas you think are infected or extremely irritated, try a thicker cream that also offers pain relief, like this Sulfodene ointment.

I wouldnt get caught without this spray and ointment, not only for itchiness and dry skin but for cuts and sores. My GSD immediately shows signs of relief upon application!

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Keep Them Clean Especially During Allergy Season And Winter

You can keep some allergies to grasses or other plants at bay by wiping your dogs paws when they return home.

You may also find wiping their bellies and legs with hypoallergenic wipes to help ease itching and scratching if theyre allergic to grass or pollen.

My German Shepherd itches and licks her paws a lot in spring because of grass and pollen allergies. So, Ive begun wiping her paws and stomach to help soothe her discomfort.

Use a brand that has ingredients to help with scratching and itching. You need a wipe with soothing ingredients found in them, such as Tropiclean Oxy Med Allergy Relief Wipes that give your dog clean skin to lessen irritations.

Wiping and washing help reduce allergens on your dogs body. You dont need a full bath to get rid of allergy-causing deposits, but you need to pay attention to their paws, belly, legs, and muzzle.

Benefits Of Managing A German Shepherd Losing Hair

Itchy German Shepherd? Why and What to Do  The German Shepherder

If your German Shepherd is losing hair, then you need to take immediate action to manage the issue.

When your German Shepherd loses too much hair it can become a nuisance since it seems itll never stop.

But spending time grooming your GSD has benefits beyond reducing the amount of hair loss in your home. Taking the time to brush and groom your dog is fun and gives you time to bond together.

Its also a great chance to check your dogs skin and fur for:

The result of managing your German Shepherds hair loss is a happy, healthy dog and much less shedding around the house.

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Why Is My Dog Scratching And Losing Hair

A: Your dog may be suffering from a condition called demodicosis, which is caused by the microscopic mites that live on your dogs skin. These parasites burrow into the skin and lay eggs, causing hair loss and intense itching.

The why is my german shepherd losing hair on back legs is a question that many owners ask. There are many reasons why your German Shepherd may be losing hair, but the most common reason is because of allergies.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Canine Atopic Dermititis

Symptoms normally present themselves between six months and three years of age.

Ear Infection:

The glands that produce wax in the ear tend to produce more than necessary in an attempt to counter the allergy. This can cause bacterial and yeast infections inside the dogs ear flaps which may turn red and get hot.


Similar to eczema in humans, it will usually appear in the form of dark brown or red areas that itch. The symptoms can progress if the dog chews, licks or scratches the afflicted area. You may catch your dog rubbing up against furniture in the house to relieve the itchiness or pain. Also keep an eye out for any places on their fur that look matted down or wet.


This is the most common and obvious sign of CAD. It normally happens in areas such as the head, legs and stomach. It can present itself in various ways, including biting, licking or scratching. The most frequent sign is the dog licking its paws. While this is common in felines, dogs do not practice this to stay clean. They may also rub their face on the carpet to scratch the irritated area.

Hair Loss:

Loss of hair or patches of hair missing is a good indicator of CAD. Extreme itching can lead to excessive scratching. This can lead to abrasions or wounds on the dogs skin.

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How Do I Get My German Shepherd To Stop Shedding

Having established that the German Shepherd sheds all year round and undergoes excessive shedding in the fall and spring, you may wonder how you can get your German Shepherd to stop shedding

To get your German Shepherd to stop shedding, brush him daily, use an undercoat de-shedding tool in shedding season, twice per week, bathe him 3-4 times a year, switch to a healthy diet that promotes a healthy coat and skin, keep him hydrated, and keep parasites at bay.

Unfortunately, you will never be able to stop shedding completely as thats going against nature! So when I use the phrase stop shedding, I suppose what I really mean is control and reduce shedding. Nonetheless, taking the below measures will give your German Shepherds skin solace, maintain a vibrant coat, and save your couch, floor, and clothes from excess hair!

Is The German Shepherd More Prone To Skin Issues

Why Is My German Shepherd Scratching So Much: Skin Issues That Plague GSDs

The German Shepherd was originally a herding dog bred to protect farmers flocks from any predators or threats. Their medium length thick double coat protected them from the elements of the extreme cold temperatures. Unfortunately the dense coat isnt enough to protect them from some of the environmental factors that can lead to German Shepherd skin issues. The breed is prone to several different types of allergies. We will be discussing each of them and any treatment options that are available.

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Give Your Dog Plenty Of Water Daily

Dehydration is just as bad for your dog as it is for us. Dry skin is a great indicator that your dogs not getting enough water.

Dry skin will lead to an increased amount of shedding and can eventually lead to sickness.

The best way to make sure your dog gets plenty of water is ensuring the bowl is always full or you can also feed water foods such as watermelon if needed.

Your German Shepherd Dogs Health

We know that because you care so much about your dog, you want to take good care of her. That is why we have summarized the health concerns we will be discussing with you over the life of your Shepherd. By knowing about health concerns specific to German Shepherd Dogs, we can tailor a preventive health plan to watch for and hopefully prevent some predictable risks.

Many diseases and health conditions are genetic, meaning they are related to your pets breed. There is a consensus among canine genetic researchers and veterinary practitioners that the conditions weve described herein have a significant rate of incidence and/or impact in this breed. That does not mean your dog will have these problems it just means that she is more at risk than other dogs. We will describe the most common issues seen in German Shepherd Dogs to give you an idea of what may come up in her future. Of course, we cant cover every possibility here, so always check with us if you notice any unusual signs or symptoms.

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How To Help My German Shepherd From Itching And Scratching

Treating a German Shepherd with itchy skin at home can help decrease their itching and scratching so they are more comfortable and regain healthy skin.

To help your German Shepherd from itching try to:

  • make sure they are free from fleas and ticks ask your vet for parasite treatments
  • use medicated shampoos made for dry skin
  • apply moisturizing sprays and creams
  • stick to a regular grooming and brushing routine
  • and add in supplements to increase skin moisture

Sometimes, you just cant figure out why theyre having allergies or itching like crazy, so go through the tips above and seek your vets advice if needed.


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